This installment originally was to focus on criminal charges filed last week against the husband and wife team that operated Associated Community Action Program (ACAP). The subject was in following with a trend of installments here in the Back Story. Well that changed yesterday with another Matire & Ross stunner about a more well know husband and wife team in a very steep tailspin.
As if to continually seek her fifteen minutes of fame, Nadia Lockyer again tops local political news. A report in yesterday's Chronicle, if true, will surely end Nadia’s political career for good, and might take her husband, Bill Lockyer’s career with it. The Matier & Ross story took this unfolding scandal to a national level, as blogs and media across the country could not resist another Hollywood like scandal in California Politics. Arnold and the Nanny shocker had just faded from sight. The timing could not have been better for a media hungry to showcase how troubled the California Political machine truly is.
Matire & Ross’s report sheds additional light and connects dots on what became public earlier this month. Not surprising, the report rips more holes in Bill Lockyer’s original statement on the matter. It also seemingly confirms what many had suspected; that Bill attempted to use his position to influence the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office and seek special handling of this scandal. I do not believe the general public has access to that type of service. Ms. O’Malley may have some explaining to do? Considering Bill Lockyer’s very close ties to Kamala Harris and the Attorney Generals Office, which he controlled for many years, we would speculate Ms. Harris punts this matter to an independent investigative authority.
Additionally, the alleged attacker of Ms. Lockyer has apparently made further statements that portray a much different picture then that of Nadia and Bill’s public statements. Further, law enforcement has not named the alleged attacker, as he has not been charged with any crimes associated with the allegations. It was confirmed that the motel room was Nadia’s; contradicting Bill’s earlier implication, that Nadia went to the motel to help an ex-boyfriend in crisis. Keep in mind, as earlier reported Nadia’s 8-year-old son was with her at the motel. The alleged boyfriend has implied he was the victim of Nadia’s rage, and acted in self-defense, and that even to this day, Nadia maintains contact with him. Ms. O’Malley’s office has been rumored to have acted on Bill’s request to investigate, and determined the relationship between the boyfriend and Nadia was consensual. This was apparently supported by electronic communications and sexually explicit photos found during the investigation. There is also rumor of a “sex tape” floating about, though yet no proof has been provided. It appears Bill Lockyer may have received an advance copy of the tape for his viewing pleasure, special thanks to a thoughtful delivery from Nadia’s boyfriend.
And if not to take this scandal to new lows, Bill apparently called the boyfriends parents (the boyfriend is 35…doubtful his parents have much to say about who he dates or has a consensual relationship with) and apparently tried to persuade them to intervene and end the relationship that Bill labeled a “bad relationship”. Clearly that was Bill’s opinion, something it does not appear his wife agreed with. Remember, they were separated, as Bill admitted. It also appears Bill may have sought to destroy evidence of the relationship…the timing of which could be very important if he knew an investigation was underway, for which he requested of Ms. O’Malley.
Another area of likely concern is Bill Lockyer’s security detail. Did Bill Lockyer use his State provided security detail paid for by taxpayer money, to act on his personal needs for private detective work? Nadia actually stated in a text message that special needs were possible via Bill’s security detail. Bill’s staff denied any such use.
Whether premature or not, there is much speculation on who will replace Nadia Lockyer. Not surprising, all the possible replacements being thrown around have excellent track records and solid grass root support. The names that initially seem to be grabbing attention are Ellen Corbett, Mark Green and Kevin Dowling.
As the voters of Alameda County digest these new revelations, and there are sure to be more, not only regarding the Lockyer’s, but numerous other local politicians currently in the cross-hairs of scandal, we would advocate voters take your rights to vote and the consequences of your voting decisions with a greater degree of responsibility in the future.
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