Friday, April 20, 2012

Ms. Lockyer, we wish you the best in your future!

It appears from a report published by the Bay Area News Group that Nadia Lockyer has resigned effective immediately. After months of shocking revelations, Ms. Lockyer made the decision that in the interest of  her personal well-being, that of her family and son, and the taxpayers of Alameda County, leaving public office and transitioning back to the private sector was best.

Let this episode of Alameda County politics and that of other recently disgraced politicians within Alameda County be a learning experience for voters.

Does campaign funding interfere with a voter’s knowledge and understanding of a candidate? The $1.5+ million dollars Bill Lockyer spent on Nadia’s campaign would seem to support an overwhelming answer of…YES!

Good luck and best wishes to Ms. Lockyer!

Monday, April 2, 2012

County Supervisor Skips $2.5 Billion Dollar Budget Board Meeting to Visit Lover!

The life of Nadia Lockyer, recently elected Alameda County Supervisor, continues to painfully unravel in public view. Unless Ms. Lockyer resigns or provides the public a full and complete mea culpa she is likely to face a torturous public dissection that few disgraced California politicians have experienced in some time.

As had been suspected, Nadia Lockyer’s troubling behavior did compromise her duties as an elected official. Evidence uncovered by the Bay Area News Group last week indicates Ms. Lockyer was absent from at least one regularly scheduled Alameda County Supervisor’s Board Meeting during which she was visiting her lover, Mr. Chikhani, in Santa Clara County Jail. That particular visit lasted over 2 ½ hours. Her Chief of Staff recently stated Supervisor Lockyer was providing Pro-Bono legal advice during those visits. Apparently, the Pro-Bono assistance for Mr. Chikhani was at the expense of Alameda County residents who pay Supervisor Lockyer’s salary. The evidence presented indicates the Board Meeting Ms. Lockyer missed centered on the County’s $2.5 Billon Dollar Budget. Unquestionably, an important matter affecting every taxpayer of Alameda County, for which the taxpayer’s of District 2 seemingly, had no representation. In the private sector, this would be considered dereliction of duties, normally grounds for termination for cause.

The Bay Area News Group (BANG) has also reported Nadia Lockyer now claims to be suffering from PTSD as a result of recent events, and it appears specifically due to the alleged attack by Mr. Chikhani. Nadia provided photos to support her claims of physical injury, though we could see no date stamps on the photos to say when they were taken. In a move similar to Ms. Hayashi, Nadia does not appear to have provided any actual medical evidence of her condition. The photos provided raised more questions then answers, as one photo shows a person with no shirt/top on with bruising on the right-side of the neck, though no apparent swelling on the left-side. Where as another picture shows a person wearing a blue shirt with apparent swelling on the left side of the neck. Ms Lockyer admitted these photos were not taken by an independent third party, such as law enforcement or hospital staff, but by herself and her husband.

It should be added a police report uncovered by BANG indicates Nadia Lockyer requested the assistance of the Hayward Police in a domestic dispute with her husband, State Treasurer Bill Lockyer, at their home in the Hayward Hills. The report shows Nadia as the victim. Details of what occurred were apparently redacted from the report prior to release, though this report has apparently been closed for sometime. This may hint that those redacted details may be evidence in another law enforcement matter. In an interesting side note, it was reported Bill Lockyer was not aware of Nadia’s affair with Mr. Chikhani at the time of this police report.

In an effort to clarify the events on the evening of the alleged assault at a Newark Motel, Ms. Lockyer now claims Ms. Chikhani was attempting to rekindle their relationship that evening and did so by inviting her via text message to a romantic evening in a warm candle lit room. Ms. Lockyer’s new claims are very bizarre as in many ways they contradict what she stated prior and what has already been reported. Keep in mind, it was earlier reported it appeared the motel room was Nadia’s, and that her Eight-year-old son was with her at the motel. It was also reported Nadia went to the motel after an argument with her husband. Furthermore, Bill Lockyer stated Nadia went to the Motel room to help an ex-boyfriend through a difficult period and who may have been suicidal. Nadia also said at one point her husband’s initial statement on what occurred the evening of the alleged assault was generally correct. It should be noted Mr. Chikhani has never been formerly named by law enforcement, let alone charged or arrested based on Ms. Lockyer’s claims.

Ms. Lockyer’s extracurricular activities are no longer a simple issue of questionable judgment, common sense and decision-making as it relates to her private life; it is now about the possibility Ms. Lockyer failed to up hold the oath she took as an elected official. The evidence now appears to indicate Supervisor Lockyer may have intentionally sacrificed the needs of Alameda County taxpayer’s for the benefit of her own personal interest, all the while selfishly collecting a paycheck from Alameda County. Surely, this is not how county funds should be spent.

As twisted as it may seem, Nadia campaigned and sold voters on the idea she was the best person for the job!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Supervisor Lockyer, a woman scorned.

Supervisor Nadia Lockyer emerged from seclusion and substance abuse treatment last week and joined her fellow Alameda County Supervisors on a retreat, of sorts. If any actual County business was accomplished at this retreat, it surely was overshadowed by Ms. Lockyer’s attendance.

In a mildly surprising move, State Treasurer Bill Lockyer accompanied his wife to her offices and later arrived to pick her up. Mr. Lockyer’s presence would seem to send many messages. However, one particularly strong political message was that sent to Nadia’s fellow Supervisor’s. The message appears to have been, Big Bill is still in control and he is closely watching how his wife, and um, his $1.7+ million dollar investment is treated by her co-workers. The message appears to have been clearly understood by Nadia’s fellow board members, as none of the other four members made any material statements regarding Nadia’s return. Keep in mind, it is an election year for a few BOS members and Bill’s resources, and contacts would be very helpful in seeking re-election. That of course may all be moot if an ongoing investigation(s) determines Bill and/or Nadia have violated Local, State or Federal Laws.

Neither Bill nor Nadia Lockyer made any public statements last week, though Nadia’s Chief of Staff did read a prepared statement that seemed in many ways, a re-spun, modified combined version of Mary Hayashi’s mea culpa and Nadia’s pre-rehab statement. It was of no surprise the statement was light on information and heavy on deflection and spin, as ongoing investigation(s) surely limit what could be revealed so as to protect Nadia and Bill from any pending criminal or civil claims.

With the prospects of legal uncertainty hanging over the Lockyer’s, local media appear to be actively investigating their own leads…some surely to land on the desk of Kamala Harris. The Bay Area News Group was apparently waiting for Nadia’s return to question her about visits with her lover while he was incarcerated in Santa Clara on drug related charges. The visits themselves are questionable for any elected official using good judgment and common sense, though what is highly questionable and possibly illegal is Nadia’s representation in jailhouse logs as his legal counsel. Further, on one occasion she represented herself as his “PD.” The meaning of “PD” is unclear at this point, though it likely is a standard and often used term, as jailhouse administration apparently did not question its use on sign-in logs. Speculation is “PD” is an abbreviation for either Public Defender or Police Department. Ms. Lockyer is neither of these.

Ms. Lockyer did not respond to inquires on her visits to the Santa Clara Jail. However, her Chief of Staff did respond on her behalf with allegations that her lover’s father sought Nadia’s legal assistance with his son’s criminal problems, therefore justifying her visits with him during incarceration. The allegations were met with a prompt response from the lover’s counsel that the statement is not only false, but Nadia is abusing her power. Ms. Lockyer herself later acknowledged she "was not the attorney of record" for her lover at the time of her visits. The allegations of abuse of power seem to hint of future civil claims against Alameda County, possibly the Lockyer’s personally, or a request to revoke Ms. Lockyer’s Law License in California.

The facts as reported would seemingly raise serious questions of the validity of the allegation against the father, as one of a number of Nadia’s visits apparently was nearly an hour and half long. These claimed legal visits apparently were not justified by any need for legal counsel, as the lover apparently had no pending legal matters as he was serving his required time for a prior conviction that there is no evidence he was appealing. Nadia also apparently picked up her lover from jail when he was released.

Prior information regarding this scandal further undermines the Chief of Staff’s allegations, as Bill Lockyer himself was allegedly attempting to work with the lover’s father to end the “bad relationship” and seeking to possibly destroy or cover-up evidence of the relationship. The noted evidence might include the alleged sex tape(s) which none of the key players has denied exists, and seemingly was confirmed by DA O’Malley when her investigation turned up sexually detailed evidence of a consensual relationship.

It would look as if the reappearance of Supervisor Lockyer to the public venue may be more about Nadia, the scorned lover and troubled addict, seeking to avenge her fall from grace by means of pre-emptive strikes against those who may of failed to heed Bill’s and her request for silence in a possible effort to cover up their sorted and troubling activities.

Bill Lockyer is well known for throwing around his political weight (no pun intended…okay maybe just a little) when the need arises. Though for the most part, such weight only works within political circles, and Nadia’s lover and family are not within political circles, therefore making any political weight worthless in efforts to influence the lover’s father/family. This may explain why Bill sought the help of DA O’Malley to apparently discredit the lover, which appears to have backfired on Big Bill and may hint of why the lover’s father is now a target of seemingly unsupportable allegations. It may also explain why Nadia’ claims of physical abuse at the Newark Motel never resulted in an arrest or charges.

Oh, and let’s not forget Nadia’s text messages warning of the use of Bill’s Security Detail, as well the wrath Nadia will bring her (ex) lover for ‘the pain (his) your lies have inflicted in my (Nadia’s) heart and sole every moment you find yourself alone or bored with another.”

Hell have no fury like a woman scorned…

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Police Chief Harassing Journalist in Berkeley…What next?

First, it was Berkeley Campus police using unnecessary force on students peacefully protesting. Then UC Davis Police attack peacefully (sitting) protesters with Pepper Spray. Now Berkeley Police Chief Mike Meehan dispatches a police officer to the home of Journalist Doug Oakley to force changes to an on-line editorial. Was this harassment and intimidation by the Chief? Of course, it was, as the matter could have easily been handled over the phone, by the Chief himself during normal business hours, or do what most people do these days and post a response on-line outing the error in the article. Furthermore, by no means was the matter a police emergency necessitating a police response to Mr. Oakley’s home.

Rest assured if a journalist or student showed up at Mr. Meehan’s home in the middle of the night demanding action be taken on some police matter, this person surely would have been arrested, possibly tasered, peppered sprayed or physically subdued.

Ironically, the article that Chief Meehan disagreed with was related to the death of Berkeley resident, Peter Cukor due to questionable response by the Berkeley Police Department. Chief Meehan has attempted to blame the Occupy Movement for problems that occurred on the evening of Mr. Cukor’s death. However, now, Chief Meehan diverts valuable Berkeley Police assets to address a personal concern of a self-serving nature. His actions are the pinnacle of self-contradiction, as the police department he oversees was unable to divert an officer to Mr. Cukor’s home in a timely manner to address an actual citizen’s report and request for police assistance that resulted in a murder. As far as we know, all police calls were responded to while Chief Meehan dispatched an officer to Mr. Oakley's home.

Only after the story came to light regarding Chief Meehan misuse of police assets, did he apologize to Mr. Oakley. However, Chief Meehan refuses to acknowledge that the failures of his police force on the night of Mr. Cukor's death were in anyway his responsibility or that of the Police Department he oversees. It would appear that Chief Meehan’s attempt to spin blame for Mr. Cukor’s death on the Occupy Movement is now completely moot. If Chief Meehan has the power to divert police assets for personal matters that are by no means public serve & protect issues, and later apologizes for doing so. Then by logic, he would also be just as responsible for the failure to divert police assets when citizens of the community he is hired to protect & serve need those services.

It would now appear that Officers of the Berkeley Police Department also strongly disagree with Chief Meehan’s actions and leadership. They apparently feel he is playing politics at the expense of the department’s reputation in an effort to further his career and personal image. The officer who was ordered to Mr. Oakley’s home last week has admitted being very embarrassed in having to do so. She has since hired an attorney to address the matter. It also appears a formal complaint from Berkeley police officers may be in the works, as Chief Meehan’s actions would appear to be in violation of police policies which have certain required consequences. Those consequences do not appear to have been enforced on Chief Meehan. This raises legitimate questions of a double standard within the ranks of the Berkeley Police Department. Further, despite an initial attempt to sweep the matter under the carpet, an investigation has apparently been ordered by the City of Berkeley.

Mr. Oakley has indicated he will not file any claims against the City of Berkeley, though there are reporters, bloggers, and many from the Occupy Movement who feel Mr. Oakley should file a claim to assure the message is clearly heard, harassment and intimidation of journalist will not be tolerated, especially in Berkeley where the Free Speech Movement has a deep foundation.

We at the Back Story can only speculate about why Mr. Oakley feels a claim is not merited, though it is possible he believes his journalistic rights will be a much more powerful form of justice in exposing further wrongdoing by Chief Meehan and his Police Department then any protracted legal claims regarding violations of his constitutional rights.

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Political Double Standard?

It would appear a sizeable portion of California’s elected officials might indeed suffer from the same medical condition that inflicted Mary Hayashi. Not surprisingly, the Alameda County Board of Supervisor might also be so overwhelmed by this condition they have been rendered speechless.

In Sacramento last week the drama of political activity surrounded Dan Richards, the President of the California Fish & Game Commission. Dan is apparently a Republican, though why should that matter you ask? (Well, continue reading.) Mr. Richard’s has recently spent his vacation hunting Mountain Loins in Idaho…NOT California. Doing so in California would be illegal. In Idaho, it is NOT illegal, and you actually pay to enjoy the right to do so. Sounds like a reasonable business enterprise in the State of Idaho which many Californians’ have likely enjoyed, and for which the State of Idaho generates revenue.

Well, apparently our elected officials (mostly Democrats) in California feel that Mr. Richard’s was wrong to enjoy his vacation in the manner he so desired. Further, numerous politicians’ are trying to imply that what is illegal in California should be illegal in Idaho. In addition, as such, Mr. Richard’s killing of a Mountain Loin justifies serious consequences. Therefore, some of Sacramento’s powerful Democrats are asking for his resignation.

Evidently, these Democrats seeking Mr. Richard’s resignation appear to have some sort of memory or medical condition that is impeding their thought process. Only a few months ago, one of their own, Mary Hayashi was actually convicted of committing a crime that was not only illegal in California, but illegal in Idaho, as well every state in the nation. Further, Mary Hayashi was not on vacation when she committed the crime. She actually admitted she was talking or texting on a phone that may have been the property of the State of California. How did these same Democratic power players handle that situation? They didn’t! They remained silent and welcomed Ms. Hayashi back after her conviction with open arms and a pat on the back.

Double Standard? Most would say, absolutely!

Alameda County, the hotbed of scandal as of recently is no less guilty then their political counter-parts in Sacramento.

The Alameda County Board of Supervisors has been nothing less then aggressive when it comes to playing political hardball with those that may have mismanaged county programs, filed whistle-blower complaints, questioned issues of nepotism, and challenged the BOS as a whole. Surely, the use of drugs by a staff member or employee of the BOS would not be tolerated. Alameda County does likely have a zero tolerance policy for drug use?

Well, now one of their own, Nadia Lockyer, the newest member of the Board has all but completely embarrassed Alameda County and the BOS specifically. Though Ms. Lockyer has not at this point been charged with any crimes (no different then Dan Richards), her judgment and common sense have been put on clear display, and would appear more inline with a troubled High School teenager then an adult entrusted with the public’s best interest. Nate Miley, President of the Alameda County BOS has been unwilling to address the matter head-on and when interviewed has sidestepped the question regarding the Boards position on Lockyer. Why? You would need to ask him, though speculation is running high as to the reason.

Could it be Democratic powerhouse Bill Lockyer’s power and money? Possibility, though both have suffered a serious blow as a result of Nadia’s extracurricular activities. Quite frankly, Bill’s counter-parts might be silently laughing that someone of his political experience fell victim to the oldest political problem known to man, and that is their weakness for women. You can be assured Liz Figueroa is enjoying this.

In truth, Bill may have more to be concerned about then Nadia’s troubles as it relates to any ongoing investigation(s). His involvement with Ms. O’Malley and early efforts to seemingly discredit Nadia’s boyfriend, an apparent attempt to destroy evidence, as well as possible misuse of his security detail hint of troubling questions for Big Bill. Scooter Libby can attest to the fact the actual (or perceived) crime may be overlooked, but the cover-up can be difficult to run from.

The fact that Nate Miley and the Alameda County Board of Supervisor’s HAVE NOT asked for Nadia’s resignation speaks volumes. The further Mr. Miley and the BOS delay acting, the greater chance the BOS itself will face very difficult questions regarding their judgment, common sense and whether they are indeed performing in the best interest of Alameda County.

Double Standard? The answer we believe is rather obvious.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Alameda County Politicians in tail spin…

This installment originally was to focus on criminal charges filed last week against the husband and wife team that operated Associated Community Action Program (ACAP). The subject was in following with a trend of installments here in the Back Story. Well that changed yesterday with another Matire & Ross stunner about a more well know husband and wife team in a very steep tailspin.

As if to continually seek her fifteen minutes of fame, Nadia Lockyer again tops local political news. A report in yesterday's Chronicle, if true, will surely end Nadia’s political career for good, and might take her husband, Bill Lockyer’s career with it. The Matier & Ross story took this unfolding scandal to a national level, as blogs and media across the country could not resist another Hollywood like scandal in California Politics. Arnold and the Nanny shocker had just faded from sight. The timing could not have been better for a media hungry to showcase how troubled the California Political machine truly is.

Matire & Ross’s report sheds additional light and connects dots on what became public earlier this month. Not surprising, the report rips more holes in Bill Lockyer’s original statement on the matter. It also seemingly confirms what many had suspected; that Bill attempted to use his position to influence the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office and seek special handling of this scandal. I do not believe the general public has access to that type of service. Ms. O’Malley may have some explaining to do? Considering Bill Lockyer’s very close ties to Kamala Harris and the Attorney Generals Office, which he controlled for many years, we would speculate Ms. Harris punts this matter to an independent investigative authority.

Additionally, the alleged attacker of Ms. Lockyer has apparently made further statements that portray a much different picture then that of Nadia and Bill’s public statements. Further, law enforcement has not named the alleged attacker, as he has not been charged with any crimes associated with the allegations. It was confirmed that the motel room was Nadia’s; contradicting Bill’s earlier implication, that Nadia went to the motel to help an ex-boyfriend in crisis. Keep in mind, as earlier reported Nadia’s 8-year-old son was with her at the motel. The alleged boyfriend has implied he was the victim of Nadia’s rage, and acted in self-defense, and that even to this day, Nadia maintains contact with him. Ms. O’Malley’s office has been rumored to have acted on Bill’s request to investigate, and determined the relationship between the boyfriend and Nadia was consensual. This was apparently supported by electronic communications and sexually explicit photos found during the investigation. There is also rumor of a “sex tape” floating about, though yet no proof has been provided. It appears Bill Lockyer may have received an advance copy of the tape for his viewing pleasure, special thanks to a thoughtful delivery from Nadia’s boyfriend.

And if not to take this scandal to new lows, Bill apparently called the boyfriends parents (the boyfriend is 35…doubtful his parents have much to say about who he dates or has a consensual relationship with) and apparently tried to persuade them to intervene and end the relationship that Bill labeled a “bad relationship”. Clearly that was Bill’s opinion, something it does not appear his wife agreed with. Remember, they were separated, as Bill admitted.  It also appears Bill may have sought to destroy evidence of the relationship…the timing of which could be very important if he knew an investigation was underway, for which he requested of Ms. O’Malley.

Another area of likely concern is Bill Lockyer’s security detail. Did Bill Lockyer use his State provided security detail paid for by taxpayer money, to act on his personal needs for private detective work? Nadia actually stated in a text message that special needs were possible via Bill’s security detail. Bill’s staff denied any such use.

Whether premature or not, there is much speculation on who will replace Nadia Lockyer. Not surprising, all the possible replacements being thrown around have excellent track records and solid grass root support. The names that initially seem to be grabbing attention are Ellen Corbett, Mark Green and Kevin Dowling.

As the voters of Alameda County digest these new revelations, and there are sure to be more, not only regarding the Lockyer’s, but numerous other local politicians currently in the cross-hairs of scandal, we would advocate voters take your rights to vote and the consequences of your voting decisions with a greater degree of responsibility in the future.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Alameda County, Voters must learn from their mistakes!

BREAKING NEWS, it has been reported by Matier & Ross that law enforcement sources report the Lockyer's eight year old son was with his mother (Nadia) at the Newark motel at the time of her alleged assault. In an earlier statement, Bill Lockyer stated his wife went to a motel late in the evening to help an ex-boyfriend who was a low level drug dealer with a criminal record during a difficult period. This new information raises serious questions which would seem to merit an investigation by Child Protective Services. It has also been reported the Alameda County DA has turned the entire matter over to the State Attorney Generals Office due to conflicts. It would also appear The State Attorney Generals Office might also have a few conflicts to deal with. We would not be surprised to see this matter turned over to the FBI for further investigation to avoid any question of political favoritism or meddling.

In August of 2011 when our first installment was written, we would never have predicted that in less then 6 months many former Alameda County politicians mentioned in our “Welcome” installment would find themselves again in the spot light. Furthermore, a number of current Alameda County politicians followed with shocking front-page headlines of their own.

It did not come as a complete surprise that Bill Lockyer, the most senior political power player from Alameda County had political connections with a few of the unflattering disclosures, the most shocking being his wife Nadia’s scandalous activities. Let us not forget Elihu Harris and the Peralta School District and questions of corruption. Don Perata interestingly kept a rather low profile after losing the Oakland Mayors race, though the long-term FBI investigation into his business dealings has taken its toll on the likelihood of any future political office. Bob Knox, who seemingly has taken refuge far from Alameda County, though continuing his close ties to Bill Lockyer, is himself in serious hot water, as the State of California’s Environmental watchdog is seeking to collect millions from him and his company(ies) for environmental damage and a resulting clean up. And of course Mary Hayashi and her shop lifting while texting and being treated for a brain tumor.

Is it any wonder when you analysis the history of some former Alameda County politicians, that current Alameda County politicians have taken to blatant criminal activity, drug abuse, lack of basic common sense and a general disregard for moral and ethical boundaries that most citizens of Alameda County understand and abide by.

Who is to blame, undoubtedly, the politicians are directly to blame for their transgressions, however, these troubled individuals would never be elected public servants if it were not for voters who elected them. The taxpayers of Alameda County have obviously been slow to learn from prior mistakes. If you were to look back and seek a potential reason why voters are slow to learn, it would be that voters wrongly associate the best candidate for the job with the amount of money the candidate spends “buying” their faith and trust.

Ironically, in California as a whole, this trend of candidates spending ridiculous amounts of money to buy voter faith, trust and their respective vote is showing signs of a revolt. The battle for Governor is a prime example. Meg Whitman by a large margin out spent Jerry Brown, though voters solidly elected Jerry Brown on his simple and much less expensive platform of solid reputation and track record.

Regrettably, the voters of Alameda County do not yet appear to be following the lead of California voters as a whole. The data that is available indicates that Nadia Lockyer’s campaign spent more per vote then Meg Whitman spent in her failed run for governor. Furthermore, over 90 percent of Nadia’s campaign funds came from OUTSIDE the district she was seeking election. The largest single funding source for Nadia’s campaign came from her husband Bill’s campaign war chest…nearly $2 million dollars. Apparently, Nadia’s campaign spent more money per vote then any campaign in California history. This was foreshadowed by Bill Lockyer’s promise during Nadia’s campaign to do whatever it took to get his wife elected. We would guess Bill might be having second thoughts right about now?

What can the people of Alameda County, especially those in District 2, learn from the unfolding scandal that surrounds Bill and Nadia Lockyer? Perhaps that local grass root candidates with a proven track record of leadership along with moral and ethical standards are more inclined to be the best person for the job, then a candidate whom mails dozens of glossy campaign packages that through mud at others, imply you are a Deputy District Attorney when you are not, and mention endorsements that are false.

We would suspect that voters and grass root candidates from District 2 are at this moment brainstorming on possible recall efforts of Ms. Lockyer. There is no question there is solid justification for such efforts.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Lockyer’s Play “Spin” the Bottle….

Our final installment of 2011 spoke of hope for a better political 2012 and suggested past and present Politicians do a better job of leading Alameda County and the State of California. We made a point of specifically addressing Bill Lockyer and his wife Nadia in that installment. Apparently they were not listening (or reading) our blog.

Well, so much for Alameda County raising the bar in 2012. It took little over a month into the New Year for scandal to unfold…and quite a scandal it is. Paradoxically our opening installment of The Back Story(Welcome) foreshadowed much of what is being disclosed this week. Though we take no credit for the many published and investigative reports regarding the Lockyer’s troubling situation, we can say the situation surrounding Bill and Nadia Lockyer is not new to Alameda County politicians. Strangely as it might seem, the crisis hovering over the Lockyer’s may have been planted decades ago, fueled by the ego’s of the politicians of those days who demanded silence from insiders, and enablers who turned a blind eye in exchange for the benefits of political connections. Has Karma hit home? Many would state, absolutely!

As initially reported in the SF Chronicle earlier this week, and followed up with numerous further independent reports, Bill and Nadia Lockyer are in serious political trouble. Making matters worse, Mr. Lockyer made a classic (disastrous) attempt to spin the circumstances ahead of the most damaging disclosures. As is normally the case with a desperate politician seeking to save his career, reputation and least not forget the nearly 2 million invested to buy Nadia her Supervisors Seat, Bill went with a highly implausible story that even law enforcement hinted was less then accurate. On Tuesday, Bill’s implausible spin story hit bottom when his wife (at least for the time being) released a statement that in many ways contradicted her husband’s story.

What became seemingly apparent in Nadia’s statement is her husband’s spin story was as much about protecting his career and blaming an “ex-boyfriend”, as it was in hiding and/or enabling Nadia’s very troubling situation. Bill’s story implied Nadia had a minor drinking issue and a soft spot for an ex-boyfriend who Nadia went to help through a difficult period at a local motel. In actuality, there is speculation the motel room was Nadia’s and she had been staying there due to her separation from Bill. The minor drinking problem (the bottle) is actually serious chemical dependency which may include prescription pain medicine (a different type of bottle), and the ex-boyfriend is apparently Nadia’s lover for which she is (was) apparently having an affair. As for the allegations that Nadia was the victim of abuse, not even Nadia has actually publicly stated who is responsible. Bill Lockyer’s spin implied the responsible party is the ex-boyfriend/low level drug dealer whom has disappeared, though apparently local media have located him without much difficulty. Surely if the media could fine him, then law enforcement would have long ago found him if they were in truth looking for him. Furthermore, Nadia’s (ex) lover has made a statement challenging the Lockyer’s story (ies) and apparently made himself available to law enforcement, whom he implies does not seem very interested in speaking to him.

We would hate to speculate on what the financial cost to The State of California and Alameda County could be if the Lockyer’s made the grave mistake of attempting to scapegoat an innocent party. Nadia’s lover might have nailed (sorry, had to say it) the trifecta in this trashy and twisted political calamity. This could be a first….a male boy-toy of a female politician gets a big payday from not one, but two government agencies from within the State of California. Again, just speculation…however, not all that far reaching a possibility considering the power players and contradicting stories. We can imagine Gloria Allred having a field day with this love triangle.

Finally, in an all to similar (remember Mary Hayashi) attempt at deflecting blame, Bill Lockyer laid out the possibility that his wife Nadia may have also acted disgracefully not of her own accord, but as a result of a few simple (and perhaps hurtful) words spoken by Bill himself. We believe Nadia is a consenting adult legally capable of making adult decisions and managing adult conversations. Bill’s attempted projection of responsibility for his wife’s actions is just further evidence of how seriously out of touch with reality our elected officials truly are.

Some would argue Bill’s and Nadia’s private life is just that….private. Thankfully this is not the way the system works….and the Lockyer’s just provided lesson 101 on why the public has a right to know, and frankly, needs to know. If an elected public official cannot manage a marriage, a family, a career, prescription medicine and use good personal judgment and common sense, what on this earth makes you believe they can manage a County or State?

For those who question the motivations of the Occupy Movement, which ironically has a solid foundation within Alameda County, you need not look any further then the scandalous stories circling Sacramento and Alameda County politicians.

The voters of Alameda County ought to wake up and dispense with the political trash that is destroying the moral and ethical fiber of Alameda County.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ms. Hayashi's Disrespect for Journalism Students

Ms. Hayashi’s true colors continue to show. A recent visit to her Sacramento Office by local high school students afforded the public and these students a genuine lesson in just how disrespectful a disgraced public official will treat our future leaders.

A group of Castro Valley High Journalism students prearranged a visit to Ms. Hayashi’s office recently, and did so via an assistant in Ms. Hayashi’s office. Apparently, the assistant was not aware the students were planning to practice their journalism skills…though that would seem immaterial under normal circumstances. Well, these are not normal circumstances for Ms. Hayashi’s…remember, she’s a Brain Tumor survivor….and god forbid she answer any questions from journalism students that might dig into her recent shop-lifting conviction that she publicly (via her attorney) attributed to her medical condition.

Ms. Hayashi ostensibly rebuffed and refused to answer any of the student’s questions, and left the journalism students to speculate and draw their own conclusions….which they did.

The Castro Valley High students gave Ms. Hayashi a textbook opportunity to step up, be a leader by example, set the record straight, and be accountable. These basic principles of good leadership are what every teacher and parent want their student/child to learn in California Public Schools.

Regrettably, Ms. Hayashi provided not only lack of good leadership, but glaring proof that not only do our elected public officials see little value in the public education system in California….currently ranked at or near the bottom, but apparently, Ms. Hayashi also believes she has no obligation to the students in our public schools when it comes to their rights to learn the truth and seek an understanding of what our elected officials are doing while on the payroll of taxpayers.

Ms. Hayashi’s impertinence for the students of Castro Valley High School is just a further example of arrogance and contempt by our elected officials concerning the demands of taxpayers and students in California. Ms. Hayashi’s actions differ very little from those of the Board of Regents when they walked out of a meeting during which pointed questions were asked by UC College students.

We advocate that every high school with a journalism department which sits within Ms. Hayashi’s district demand an interview with Ms. Hayashi. In addition, for those journalism students at Castro Valley High, we recommend you request Ms. Hayashi come to your school to answer all your questions. If you have learned anything from this experience it should be….DO NOT let our public officials off the hook when it comes to accountability. You have the right to ask the questions, so ask them, and seek the truth and accept nothing less!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

GO San Francisco 49'ers

The success of the San Francisco 49'ers trumps Alameda County Back Story's this weekend.

We are off to watch the Game.

Look for us next weekend.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

More Alameda County Spin….

The question is how low past or present Alameda County Politicians will go to avoid responsibility for their actions? The answer; there is no limit!

As is the case with a majority of scandalous disclosures associated with past or present politicians, there is the spin and blame game, deflection, denial, transference, projection….and as of recently….the brain tumor defense. Well, many thought Ms. Hayashi’s transference of responsibility was sick (pun intended)…not so quick! Bob Knox and his daughter (Kathleen Knox) appear to be taking the bar another step lower.

It has come to The Back Story’s attention via a respected Alameda County Political Blogger that Mr. Knox and his daughter are attempting to spin and blame their personal back-story, as written about here, on another family member.

As we researched what appears to be another far reaching attempt at transference in Alameda County, we could find no evidence the family member Mr. Knox or Ms. Knox were attempting to blame had a single role in any of the companies owned by either Bob Knox or Kathleen Knox that were mentioned in earlier installments.

The family member in question did not want to be identified or comment publicly due to concerns of retaliation and harassment. After review of an email written by Bob Knox to this particular family member, the concerns of retaliation were clearly merited.

In addition, this family member was also the subject of an anonymous death threat and harassing emails, which are very disturbing in their content. The timing and content of these anonymous communications does not appear to be coincidental.

It should also be noted that as reported earlier in The Back Story, Nadia Lockyer’s Chief of Staff seemed strangely focused on those whom were involved with The Back Story, and not on answering questions relating to Nadia’s and Bill Lockyer’s connection to Bob Knox. This would appear to further support the concerns of retaliation.

We would enjoy hearing Bob Knox’s and/or Kathleen Knox’s explanation. The Blog is open to public comment, and has been from day one.

As we dug deeper and looked back at Bill Lockyer’s history, if there is one thing Mr. Lockyer has a reputation for, is his ability to encourage his cronies to take on the pit bull role of the political battlegrounds.

We do wonder if Bill Lockyer is fully aware of what his cronies, (pit bulls) might be doing….on the other hand; he probably does not want to know….planned deniability is a valuable political asset.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Verdict is in…..

California voters will soon demand access to the medical records of all potential elected officials and those seeking re-election prior to casting their votes at the polls. You ask why….well, Friday in a San Francisco Court Room, an attorney made it clear that unknown medical conditions of our elected officials can result in criminal activity.

Speculation is sure to grow in the coming weeks and months whether Ms. Hayashi is alone in her medical condition, as what we have seen out of Alameda County in the past two to three decades might lead a large portion of Alameda County to question the medical stability and judgment of their elected officials.

It appears safe to say that Ms. Hayashi’s political career is seemingly over. The No Contest plea for thief in conjunction with the revelation that a serious medical condition has impaired her judgment closes all elected public service doors. What levelheaded California resident would vote for a person who might steal from California and/or their residents without a word of remorse, then seek sympathy for their stupidity by claiming a medical condition that no one knew of, or is there evidence present the condition actually exists?

There appears little question a medical or personality disorder may exist of some sort, as her initial defense to the charges revolved around a “distracted shopper” theory. However, in court Friday that theory seemed to have gone the way of Ms. Hayashi’s overall judgment….and vanished!

Studies show most politicians have a higher degree of narcissism then the general population. This self-absorption results in a blurred view of the world around them, and hinders their ability to understand they are equals to those who have elected them to office. Therefore, when politicians break the law, as many of their constituents have in some form or another…from speeding tickets, DUI’s, thief, drugs and beyond, elected officials would probable score substantially more points with their constituents if they reflected the human aspect of their bad decisions (poor judgment)….that being accountability, remorse and the wisdom of the consequences.

When the voters of California start electing people who have the wisdom to accept their mistakes, own up to them, make right for them and learn from them, we the people of California may again be honored to be the State other State’s look up to….not the State for which many make the butt of their jokes….I feel confident Ms. Hayashi will make Lettermen’s top 10….just for starters.