This installment of The Back Story returns to the comings and goings and questions surrounding the daughter of former Alameda County Treasurer and Supervisor, Bob Knox. Bob’s daughter is herself active in local politics, having sat on the San Leandro Human Services Commission, as well visibly supporting many local politicians.
We have been provided access to documents that clearly reflect Ms. Kati Knox (true legal maiden name: Kathleen Louise Knox) apparently committed perjury when recently submitting a request for a marriage license in Alameda County . It also appears that both the Alameda County DA and Recorders Office have been made aware of this information. It is unknown at this point the status of any potential investigation into the evidence of perjury.
Here is what we know; Ms. Knox was initially married approximately 20 years ago and consequently divorced less then 10 years ago. Subsequently, Ms. Knox filed a request to marry for the second time less then five years ago. On her application for her second marriage, she failed to indicate, despite the requirement by law to do so, that she had been married prior, or was she a party to any prior divorce proceedings. There are at least two separate sections of a California Marriage Application that address prior marriages and/or divorces.
Now you may want to declare her missteps a simple slip or desire to forget the past. That assessment might have bought Ms. Knox a “Get Out of Jail Free Card”, if it had not been for the fact her second marriage was to the same man she had divorced approximately 10 years prior. Moreover, both parties signed and agreed (under the penalty of perjury) that neither party had been married prior. Further, it appears the witness to Ms. Knox’s second marriage, who signed as such, was a long-time employee at Ms. Knox’s San Leandro based business. We believe, though we have not yet confirmed such, that this employee was also aware of the fact these two parties had been previously married.
Not only would the above appear to support perjury, it would also appear to support a conspiracy to commit a sham marriage.
In researching this matter, we contacted the Alameda County DA and the Recorders Office to get their opinion on this matter (we did not mention any party names). They surmised that if true, these types of perjury cases underlay some form of financial fraud. Primarily they find these cases relate to medical benefit fraud, however, tax fraud, real estate fraud, citizenship fraud, etc can also be motivating factors for perjury on marriage license applications.
Please keep in mind as noted in a previous installment of The Back Story, Ms. Knox and her San Leandro business were defendants in a civil fraud proceeding in Alameda County . The proceeding was related to real estate. Nevertheless, perjury is a criminal matter and handled separately by law enforcement and the District Attorney’s Office.
In preparation for this installment, we contacted a few sources and found that ostensibly Ms. Knox and her husband have been living in separate residence since their initial divorce. We could find NO evidence they cohabitated shortly before or anytime after their second marriage.
The obvious sham nature of Ms. Knox’s second marriage is further supported by information we reported in our “welcome” post, where Ms. Knox has been romantically linked to a San Leandro businessmen and a Police Officer. Sources have indicated Ms. Knox has been extremely open with sources about her personal life style, all the while supposedly being married and a mother of twins. Sources also indicate her high school age twins have until recently also been living apart (each with a respective parent) and going to schools nearly 40 miles apart.
I will be seeking clarification from the Alameda County Recorder and District Attorney on how this matter is being handled. I will up-date you when we acquire new information.
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